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Rehearsal Schedule
Saint-Saëns Christmas Oratorio (English) SS
Chilcott On Christmas Night
Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine (French) JR
Byrd O Magnum Mysterium (Latin) MM
Carols tbc

The Saint-Saëns and Fauré are fairly straightforward and the Chilcott is not hard. O Magnum Mysterium is a beautiful work and fufills a request which a number of choir members bave been making for some time for us to sing some Early Music, I would like us to do the whole of Saint-Saëns "off booK"- from memory- ao please listen to it as much as you can, It is easy and short so should be possible The result will be stunning!

Along with carols and the orchestra playing Corelli's Christmas Concerto this should be a really popilar and enjpyable concert. I look forward to sharing it with you.  


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