Burgess Hill Choral Society
Who's Who On Committee

Jane Leng – Chair
Jane was elected as Chair at the start of the 2018–19 season. She leads the choir, liaises with choir members, the committee, and the music director, and she has an overview of everything.

Judith Conway – Secretary
Judith has a wide role which includes dealing with enquiries and correspondence, and making funding applications. She also plans future concert dates and makes bookings.

Margaret Sheldon – Treasurer
Margaret deals with enrolment forms and subscriptions. She is responsible for receiving and making all payments for the Society, and prepares the annual accounts.

John Newton – Committee member
John organises music folders and dress accessories for concerts, updates concert details on external websites and helps run the BHCS website. He also helps with health and safety issues. He co-ordinates the arrangements for the concert staging, and the preparation of other equipment for concerts. John is the choir's Making Music representative.

Chris O'Connell – Committee member & Librarian
Chris deals with ordering music scores and hiring them to choir members. She can answer queries about e.g. which editions of scores will be used. Chris and Frances keep the Facebook pages updated. Chris also distributes posters and other publicity material to local libraries and other places where they can be displayed.

​Martin Collett – Committee member
Martin deals with Friends, keeping them informed of choir matters. He also organises the sale of concert tickets, both to choir members and to the public. He assists John Newton with overseeing staging operations. He also collects donations of raffle prizes prior to concerts.

Jo Kyndt – Committee member
Jo liaises with advertisers (in concert programmes) and assists with several other choir tasks. She also organises the rota of helpers for refreshments at rehearsals. She also manages the raffles at concerts.

Wendy von Bergen – Committee member
Wendy brings to the committee a wealth of experience in the catering business which enables her to play a key advisory role on the organisation of the Society's activities. Specifically, she leads on the planning as well as running of social events and shares responsibility for a wide range of choir-related matters including refreshments.